Out to Lunch
Out To Lunch will allow you to save hundreds of hours each year by not wasting your time trying to decide where to eat lunch every day.
Just let Out To Lunch do that for you!
How to use it
- Update the OutToLunch.txt file with the names of your favorite diners. If you want some of them to be selected more often, simply put them in the list more times.
- Run the Out To Lunch app and the answer to 'Where's lunch?" will be provided.
How to get it
Out To Lunch is available here . MD5 Sum: 8bf304cf897adb4816edb23aca8b0ff0
Out To Lunch source code is available here . MD5 Sum: b78b1672acfcbf5e17cdf1833cae37a9
Out To Lunch is coded using AutoHotkey v1.
Visual Decimal To Fraction is licensed under the GPL v3.